
Instant Lead Lists for B2B Cold Callers

REAL phone numbers of businesses
UPDATED information directly from business owners
TARGETED based on keyword and location
Featured on
Hacker News
Product Hunt
Prospect faster. Save hours daily.

Instantly Generate Prospect Lists

Select a location on the map, specify the industry you are targeting and get the information for all the businesses in that area.
Snap up leads in minutes
$99/month USD
export leads to csv
search and store 1000 leads per month
additional leads at $0.09 per lead
$269/month USD
export leads to csv
search and store 3000 leads per month
additional leads at $0.09 per lead

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, extra leads will be charged at the same rate as the original package and can be upgraded at any time.
  • If you are not happy with the product contact us at support@leadsnappr.com.

  • They will roll over into the next month. You won't lose them.
  • The business owners do not provide their email addresses, however we do our best to retrieve them from their website for you.
Don't waste another minute
We do the heavy lifting so YOU can spend time getting CLIENTS